Terms and Conditions

Whale of a Time Swim School reserves the right of admission. It is the parents’ responsibility to ensure the child knows why he/she is attending swimming lessons.

  • Personal views on child rearing are respected, but parents must be prepared to adhere to the set code of behaviour in the interest of success. All effort will be made to make the lessons fun, but the format is formal in order to progress at an acceptable rate.
  • Children under the age of four must wear a reusable swimming nappy, which can be purchased from us.
  • Payment is due at the beginning of each month, no later than the 5th of every month, by electronic transfer and/or cash. NO CHEQUES ARE ACCEPTED
  • Learners will not be allowed to continue lessons if accounts that are more than 30 days in arrears.
  • The monthly fee is determined by how many lessons are offered in the month at the set time regardless of how many lessons your child does or does not attend as this slot is reserved exclusively for you and cannot be recovered.
  • Parents must report any medical irregularities. Children on medication must have permission from a doctor to swim. 
  • No playing will be allowed anywhere inside the pool area.
  • No eating or drinking is allowed in the pool area.
  • Parents must be considerate of noise as it is distracting to the children during the lessons.

Absenteeism Policy / Missed Lessons

The below states that we do not offer catch up classes unless exceptional circumstance permit. This is an industry norm. Please make a concerted effort to attend all classes. We have scheduled a specific space and time for the student and our employees depend on the attendance of the students to earn a stable income.

  • Please note that lessons that are missed (without notification) are forfeit. As we work on a tight schedule make up lessons tend to be impossible.
  • We will try to catch up missed classes in exceptional circumstances. This will only apply if there is space. We are not liable for any lessons that a student may miss unless we as the swim school cancel those lessons. Exceptional circumstance excludes holidays, sports days, parties, concerts, poor time keeping and other personal arrangements.
  • As the swim school we will not consider a catch up lesson request of any nature unless prior notification was given to the school.
  • We consider prior notification as contact via email or phone with the swim school 24 hours or longer before the scheduled class is to commence.
  • The school is closed during public holidays. The lessons for those days will not charged for.
  • Should illness interfere with a student’s ability to attend a lesson, a doctor’s certificate stating the student’s ailment and impact to swimming and prior notification is required if one wishes to catch up that lesson.
  • If the student is going to have an extended period of absenteeism due to illness or physical injury, a doctor’s certificate stating the student’s ailment and impact to swimming is required. It should be noted that in this event; only 2 lessons will be made up per month.
  • In the case of extended absence (more than 1 month) we will catch-up 2 of every 4 lessons missed.
  • Any make up classes missed/Cancelled will then be forfeited entirely. (No make up lessons for make up lessons).
  • All outstanding make up classes must be made up within 4 weeks of the missed lesson.
  • Make up lessons do not replace normal classes or reduce fees.
  • It is not the responsibility of Whale of a Time Swimming School to follow up with catch up lessons needed. It is the sole responsibility of the client to inquire about slots available for catch up lessons within the same billing cycle.
  • No make up lessons will be carried over to the next term or credited towards the next term fees.
  • It is understood that lightning is an Act of God, Should the lightning not pass during your allocated lesson, unfortunately there will be no make-up lesson.
  • Should lightning effect your scheduled lesson twice consecutively then Whale of a Time Swimming School will assist with 1 make up lesson. Lightning is monitored by “Lightning Alarm App” and specifically for the area.

Thank you for your understanding.